La Esperanza/Renacer - Lares

The Hacienda Renacer webpage states that this hacienda was established as Hacienda La Esperanza in the 1840s.  There was another Hacienda de la Esperanza in Barrio Bartolo in Lares owned by Santiago Torres which should not be confused with this one.  

It is reported that Raimundo Lopez de Victoria Velez (1845-1927) and his wife Juana Ramona Gonzalez Irizarry (1845-1920) were the first owners of this property, however, this is unlikely due to the date it was established and the birth date of Raimundo.  Although we do not know if by inheritance or otherwise, it is evident that Raimundo owned and operated the farm of which the only remain is the manor house.  The ground floor of the house was used as warehouse space and the platform to sun dry the coffee beans or "glácil" was right in front of it.

The 1935 agricultural census made by the Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration (PRA), shows Raimundo's son, Raimundo Lopez de Victoria Gonzalez (1872-1937) as owner of a twelve cuerdas coffee farm in Barrio Pueblo of Lares which undoubtedly is Hacienda La Esperanza.  The record states he began working the farm in 1924 most likely the date he took over from his father.

In 1953 the property was acquired by Antonio Gerena and his wife Martina Centeno.  Upon Antonio's death in 1963, it was inherited by their children Luis and Carmen Gerena Centeno.  Eventually Carmen and her husband Victor Guzmán acquired her brother's participation and lived the house for several years. In 1994 Carmen and Victor transferred title to their daughter Edna Z. Guzmán who is its current owner.  Edna restored the house in 2011 and renamed it Hacienda Renacer.  The house and surroundings are used by Edna to operate an educational center and neuro-coaching business.

Today, it is located on Calle la Gallera, within the city limits of Lares.  More information can be found on their webpage Hacienda Renacer.