Plato Indio - Las Marias

Also known at times as Hacienda Llano del Rio, it is located in the Merle Sector of Barrio Río Cañas, southwest of town of Las Marias near the border with Mayagüez.  Per HAER Report dated June 1977 it was established ca. 1873, consisted of approximately 1,000 cuerdas and its production machinery was powered by steam.  Remains are practically ruins but among the elements that can still be identified are a huge "glácil" or cement slab to dry the coffee beans and some pieces of machinery used in coffee processing.

​In the court case Schulze & Co. in Liquidation vs. Sucn. Castro decided by the Mayagüez District Court on October 22, 1902 and reaffirmed by the Puerto Rico Supreme Court on May 19. 1904, it is stated that " means of a deed dated May 12, 1823 Jaime Soler sold to Miguel Agostini 800 cuerdas of land located in the site known as Naranjales from which cuerdas 4 haciendas known as Tres Hermanos, Merle, Plato Indio and Buena Vista were formed..."  

La Gaceta de Puerto Rico edition of July 21, 1908 published an edict dated July 13,1908 regarding a debt collection case brought by Schulze & Co. against Carmelo Agostiny Maristany in the amount of 2,969.81 pesos.  The edict announces the sale at public auction of the mortgaged goods consisting of ⅔ of a 211 cuerdas tract of land known as hacienda Buena Vista located at Barrio Rio Cañas Arriba of Las Marias.  In stating its boundaries, it mentions that Hacienda Buena Vista abuts to the east with "Hacienda Plato Indio of Pedro Agostini". That same edition publishes another edict dated July 9, 1908 regarding a debt collection case brought by Schulze & Co. against Pedro José and Miguel Agostini Maristany (1862-1942) in the amount of 10,500 pesos.  The edict announces the sale at public auction of the mortgaged goods consisting of a 149 hectare coffee hacienda named Tres Hermanos located at Barrio Rio Cañas Arriba of Las Marias.  In stating its boundaries, it mentions that Hacienda Buena Vista abuts to the west with "Hacienda Plato Indio today of Juan Agostini".

Hacienda Plato Indio is associated with the Agostini family.  We are not sure of the nature of Miguel Agostini who acquired the 800 cuerdas from Jaime Soler in 1828.  However, it is reasonable to believe there was a family relationship with Juan Agostini Martinez (1829-1913) son of Pedro Agostini and Juana Martinez.  Juan married Joaquina Maristani Trabal (1830-1896) and had at least five sons we know of.  We believe the names mentioned in the court cases above are either those of Juan Agostini Martinez or his sons:

  • Pedro José Agostini Maristany (1852-1935) married Ana Merle August 30, 1913, per his death certificate he was "agricultor finca de cafe" or coffee farmer.

  • Julio M. Agostini Maristany (1860-1910) who married Angela Oxios Vincenty and in 1910 Census records appears as "agricultor finca de café" or coffee farmer.

  • Miguel Agostini Maristany (1870- ) married Tereasa Adolfina Hau Tomas (1874-1936)

  • Juan Agostini Maristany (1872-1940) married Marta Rivera, was "empleado federal" of Federal Government employee per death cerrtificate

  • Victor Juan Agostini Maristani married Elena Esther del Carmen Palmer Romaguera daughter of Santiago R. Palmer

The last known owner of hacienda Plato Indio was Ramón Cardona.  It is located on PR-355 2 km west of PR-119 in today's Barrio Rio Cañas.

Below is a painting by Guillermo Sureda of the hacienda's Manor House.