San Calixto - Las Marias

The three hundred cuerdas Hacienda San Calixto was established prior to 1880, its first known owner is Domingo Santos who sold it to Spanish immigrant from Pontevedra, Galicia José Esmoris Fizón (1846-1913) who arrived in Puerto Rico in 1860 and was a partner with his brothers Francisco and Manuel in the commercial firm Esmoris & Cia. of Mayagüez.   Francisco died and Manuel returned to Spain ca. 1896 leaving José as sole owner of the firm.  Its name may have been changed after Francisco's death since in a court case decided in 1902 the name Scres. de Esmoris & Cia. was already used. 

In his personal capacity, José acquired three coffee plantations; Hacienda Bucarabones, Hacienda San Calixto and Hacienda Esperanza, the last two in Barrio Cerrote of Las Marias.  After Francisco died and Manuel returned to Spain, José's nephews José (1874-1963), Francisco (1881-1958) and Manuel (1885- ) Durán Esmoris arrived in Puerto Rico in in 1890, 1894 and 1900 respectively to help in the business and eventually all were made partners in the firm.  After José's death in 1913, the three nephews bought his widow Ramona Graña Labiosa’s participation in the hacienda's and in the firm. 

On or around 1965, then not a producing plantation, the hacienda was sold to José Enseñat Bartolomei, also owner of the nearby Hacienda Jardines, who returned it to a producing farm.  In 1974 the hacienda was acquired by the government who segregated it and distributed lots to local residents in what is known as "parcelas".  The "parcela" which included the land with the coffee production structures was awarded to Jaime Ruiz.

San Calixto was located in the Bryan sector of Barrio Cerrote southeast of the town of Las Marias near the boundaries with Lares to the east and Maricao to the south.   It is currently completely covered by scrub, but its current owner Irais Ruiz states that the water wheel used to move its machinery as well as  the brick structure that was the Cantina and the basement that legend says was used to bury slaves still exist.  The pond seen in the 1988 picture is now covered with dirt.

It is located at PR-498 Km 0.5. The aerial picture below is made available the courtesy of Archeologist Dr. Luis Pumarada O'Neill.