Worthy Park

Worthy Park Estate has been owned by the Clarke family since 1918, now in its 4th generation.  The estate's origin can be dated back to 1670 when Lt. Francis Price received land from the English Crown for services during the invasion of Jamaica.  Sugarcane has been grown at Worthy Park Estate since 1670. 

With a production capacity of 26,000 mt., Worthy Park is a small sugar mill, however the most efficient production wise in all of Jamaica.  Sugar production at Worthy Park sugar mill for the 2016/17 and 2017/18 crop years was 26,100 and 24,300 mt. respectively.  In its website, Worthy Park claims to have been the most efficient sugar mill in Jamaica every years since 1968.

Except for the years between 1962 and 2007, Worthy Park has been producing rum since 1740.  It operates a distillery where their brands Worthy Park and Rum-Bar are produced.  All the molasses required in the production of their rum are produced in house.

This article published at cocktailwonk.com gives a detailed look at the Worthy Park operation including its distillery.